
To make sure we understand the abstractions and various classes introduced, lets take a look at the following exercise. This was a problem from year 2022 homework, and so to make it most useful it might be best to treat it as such!

The solution to the exercise and how to use SCL in a Google colab notebook is also available here.

We will use a simple pedagogical compressor compressors/universal_uint_coder.py as an example, and then use it to implement a more complex compressor HWs/tutorial/universal_int_coder.py. To access the starter file, ensure you are in the EE274_Fall23/HWs branch of SCL. Checkout to the branch for getting access to tutorial (and HW problem templates).

 git checkout EE274_Fall23/HWs

Let's start with understanding the compressors/universal_uint_coder.py compressor (link). The compressor is a simple implementation of a universal compressor for unsigned integers. First let us note the structure of the compressor. The compressor has three main components:

  • UniversalUintEncoder: This class is used to encode a list of unsigned integers to a bitarray. It subclasses from DataEncoder class as described in detail in the basics. Therefore, we only need to implement the encode_block function. In this particular case, we can encode symbols individually and concatenate them to output the final bitstream. Hence, we can use the encode_symbol function to encode each symbol individually. The encode_symbol function takes in an unsigned integer and returns a bitarray.

  • UniversalUintDecoder: This class is used to decode a bitarray to a list of unsigned integers. It subclasses from DataDecoder class as described in detail in the basics. Therefore, we only need to implement the decode_block function. Similar to encode_block, we can decode symbols individually and append them to a list to output the final list of symbols. Hence, we can use the decode_symbol function to decode each symbol individually. The decode_symbol function takes in a bitarray and returns an unsigned integer and the number of bits consumed to decode the symbol.

Next, we will understand the functioning of the compressor by going through the following exercise. Look at the compressor helper docstring for more details on the compressor.

  1. First, let's get familiarized with how to use an encoder/decoder. The file test_universal_uint_encode_decode shows a simple way to do so. In the example, we encode and decode a list of unsigned integers [0, 1, 3, 4, 100]. Modify the test to encode [23, 30, 100012] and report the length of the encoded_bitarray.


    The length of the encoded bitarray with symbols [23, 30, 100012] is 54.

Next, let's now try to understand how the compressor losslessly compresses unsigned integers.

  1. Given an unsigned integer u, what is the length of the code output by encode_symbol?


    We need bits to represent an unsigned integer u in it's binary form (for , we need 1 bit) and again bits to encode the length in the unary as described in compressors/universal_uint_coder.py (again for , we need 1 bit for this). Therefore, we need bits to encode an unsigned integer u (and 2 bits if ).

  2. Briefly explain how the decode_symbol function works, and how is it able to decode the input losslessly.


    The decode_symbol function first finds the number of bits in the binary encoding of the symbol by utilizing the unary coding. In unary coding (as used by compressors/universal_uint_coder.py), if the length of the symbol is , it is encoded as 1s followed by one 0. So in the first part of the code, decoder goes through the bits till it finds a 0 to find the length of the binary encoding.

         # initialize num_bits_consumed
         num_bits_consumed = 0
         # get the symbol length
         while True:
             bit = encoded_bitarray[num_bits_consumed]
             num_bits_consumed += 1
             if bit == 0:
         num_ones = num_bits_consumed

    Next, it uses the knowledge of number of bits (say num_ones) in the binary representation of the unsigned integer to read the next num_ones bits and convert it to an unsigned integer.

         # decode the symbol
         symbol = bitarray_to_uint(
             encoded_bitarray[num_bits_consumed: num_bits_consumed + num_ones]
         num_bits_consumed += num_ones
  3. The compressors/universal_uint_coder.py unfortunately only encodes unsigned integers. How will you extend the uint coder to create an encoder/decoder which handles compressing signed integers losslessly? Add your code in the file HWs/tutorial/universal_int_coder.py. NOTE: you mainly have to implement encode_symbol and decode_symbol functions. At the end, the test as present in the file (test_universal_integer_encode_decode) should pass. Report the length of the encoded_bitarray output by the test on Gradescope.


    One way of implementing a universal_interger_coder by utilizing the universal_uint_coder coder is by doing a mapping of negative integers to positive integers. There are multiple possible way to do so and we accept all of them as a solution. One simple way to do the same is by mapping negative integers to positive integers in a zig-zag fashion as follows:

     0 -> 0
    +1 -> 1
    -1 -> 2
    +2 -> 3
    -2 -> 4

    The encode_symbol for universal_interger_coder can be implemented as follows:

    def encode_symbol(self, x: int):
         assert isinstance(x, int)
         # ADD CODE HERE
         # Use the self.uint_encoder here
         # raise NotImplementedError
         if x <= 0:
             return self.uint_encoder.encode_symbol(2*(-x))
             return self.uint_encoder.encode_symbol(2*x - 1)

    The decode_symbol for universal_interger_coder can be implemented as follows:

    def decode_symbol(self, encoded_bitarray):
         # ADD CODE HERE
         # Use the self.uint_decoder here
         # raise NotImplementedError
         x, num_bits = self.uint_decoder.decode_symbol(encoded_bitarray)
         return (-x//2, num_bits) if x % 2 == 0 else ((x+1)//2, num_bits)

    The length of the encoded_bitarray output using our implementation is 66.