Let us go over the main library structure.

Library Structure -- Useful Building Blocks

The main library folder is scl. The scl directory structure is as follows:

├── compressors
│   ├── arithmetic_coding.py
│   ├── elias_delta_uint_coder.py
│   ├── fano_coder.py
│   ├── fixed_bitwidth_compressor.py
│   ├── ... (more compressors)
├── core
│   ├── data_block.py
│   ├── data_encoder_decoder.py
│   ├── data_stream.py
│   ├── encoded_stream.py
│   └── prob_dist.py
├── external_compressors
│   ├── pickle_external.py
│   ├── zlib_external.py
│   └── zstd_external.py
└── utils
    ├── bitarray_utils.py
    ├── misc_utils.py
    ├── test_utils.py
    └── tree_utils.py

The directories are self-explanatory, but here are some more details:

  • /core: This contains the core part of the library which is common to almost all compressors. For eg: classes to represent input data, encoded bitarrays, Encoders, Decoders
  • /compressors: This includes compressors implemented natively in SCL.
  • /external_compressors: SCL-like interface to external compressors (such as zlib etc.)
  • /utils: general utility functions for debugging, bitarray manipulation, testing etc.

1. The core library

We noticed that most of the compressors share a lot of commonalities. For example, a lot of them encode data in blocks and write to bits. The core library implements the basic frameworks and classes common to all compressors. We elaborate some of them below.

1.1 DataBlock

The encoders and decoders in SCL operate on blocks of data. Each input block is of type DataBlock. The DataBlock can be thought of as a thin wrapper around a list of input symbols. Let's take a look at the class definition:

class DataBlock:
    wrapper around a list of symbols.

    The class is a wrapper around a list of symbols (self.data_list). The data_block is typically used
    to represent input to the data encoders (or output from data decoders)

    Some utility functions (useful generally for compression) implemented are:
    - size
    - alphabet
    - empirical_distribution
    - entropy

    def __init__(self, data_list: List):
        self.data_list = data_list

    def size(self):
        return len(self.data_list)

As you can see, the main data is stored in the self.data_list attribute, the other functions are helper functions which are useful in multiple places in the code.

One useful think in the SCL is that unit tests are present in the same file at the bottom, and are very useful as usage examples. For example, lets take a look at the tests for DataBlock:

def test_data_block_basic_ops():
    """checks basic operations for a DataBlock"""
    data_list = [0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]

    # create data block object
    data_block = DataBlock(data_list)

    # check size
    assert data_block.size == 6

    # check counts
    counts_dict = data_block.get_counts(order=0)
    assert counts_dict[0] == 3

    # check empirical dist
    prob_dist = data_block.get_empirical_distribution(order=0)
    assert prob_dist.prob_dict[0] == 0.5

    # check entropy
    entropy = data_block.get_entropy(order=0)
    assert entropy == 1.0

The tests above are useful for also checking out the various pre-implemented methods for the classes e.g. you can see how once you define the data_block, you can use data_block.get_entropy(order=0) to get 0th order entropy of the data, or data_block.get_empirical_distribution(order=0) to get the empirical distribution of the data.

1.2 DataEncoder and DataDecoder

Another abstraction in core library is that of DataEncoder and DataDecoder. Any compressor consists of an Encoder and a Decoder. The encoder maps input symbols (DataBlock) to bits (BitArray) while the decoder does the reverse mapping (bits to output symbols). In case of SCL, all encoders are subclasses of DataEncoder and all decoders are subclasses of DataDecoder. Let's take a look at the class definitions to understand better:

class DataEncoder(abc.ABC):
    def encode_block(self, data_block: DataBlock):
        # return encoded_bitarray
        raise NotImplementedError

class DataDecoder(abc.ABC):
    def decode_block(self, bitarray: BitArray):
        # return decoded_block, num_bits_consumed
        raise NotImplementedError

For now let's focus on the encode_block and decode_block member functions, which are inverses of each other. The encode_block function of DataEncoder maps input DataBlock to a BitArray, while the decode_block function of DataDecoder does the reverse. Note that decode_block also returns the num_bits_consumed. This is useful as the input BitArray might contain bits written by other encoders, and so the decode_block might not consume all the bits. We will see how this is useful in combining multiple encoders.

The encode_block and decode_block functions are the core logic of any compressor, and is usually the only part subclassing encoders/decoders need to implement. Here is an example of the

The DataEncoder and DataDecoder also contains other functions which are useful to convert our encoder/decoders until practical coders which can handle multiple blocks of data etc. Do take a look at the encode, decode, encode_file functions if you are interested!

1.3 ProbabilityDist

The final abstraction in core library that we will discuss is that of ProbabilityDist. The ProbabilityDist class is used to represent probability distributions. The class is a thin wrapper around a dictionary which maps symbols to their probabilities (prob_dict). It provides some useful member properties to extract relevant information, such as the alphabet (list of symbols) and prob_list (list of probabilities). Take a look at the class definition and some of the function methods below:

class ProbabilityDist:
    def __init__(self, prob_dict=None):

        # NOTE: We use the fact that since python 3.6, dictionaries in python are
        # also OrderedDicts. https://realpython.com/python-ordereddict/
        self.prob_dict = prob_dict
    def __repr__(self):
        return f"ProbabilityDist({self.prob_dict.__repr__()}"
    def alphabet(self):
        return list(self.prob_dict)

    def prob_list(self):
        return [self.prob_dict[s] for s in self.alphabet]

    def get_sorted_prob_dist(cls, prob_dict, descending=False):
        Returns ProbabilityDist class object with sorted probabilities.
        By default, returns Probabilities in increasing order (descending=False), i.e.,
        p1 <= p2 <= .... <= pn (python-default)
        return cls(dict(sorted(prob_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=descending)))
    def cumulative_prob_dict(self):
    def entropy(self):
    def probability(self, symbol):
    def neg_log_probability(self, symbol):

It also provides some useful functions to manipulate the probability distributions. We will see in the construction of various codes such as Huffman code that sorting the probabilities is a useful operation and so the ProbabilityDist class provides get_sorted_prob_dist function to get the prob_dict in sorted order. Other such operations include computing cumulative probabilities (cumulative_prob_dict), computing entropy (entropy), probability of a particular symbol (probability(symbol)), negative log probability of a particular symbol (neg_log_probability(symbol)), etc. Please have a look at the class definition for more details.

2. The compressors library

We natively implemented some of the compressors in the compressors library. The compressors library is contains these compressors. We will give a detailed example below but please refer to the library for further exploration.

For instance, let's look at the Shannon Coder we have seen in class. It subclasses from Prefix-free Coder which in-turn subclasses from DataEncoder and DataDecoder from the core library. Prefix-free Coder has implementations of PrefixFreeEncoder, PrefixFreeDecoder and PrefixFreeTree which are utility abstract classes useful for implementing any prefix free code. Shannon Coder is one specific example of a prefix free code.

Let's first look at the encoding part of the Shannon Coder. You will notice that encode_block function is already implemented in the PrefixFreeCoder class: encode_block function just loops over each symbol in the input and concatenate the bitstreams. Therefore, we only need to implement the encode_symbol function in the inherited ShannonEncoder part. Let's take a look at the encode_symbol function in the ShannonEncoder class:

class ShannonEncoder(PrefixFreeEncoder):
    PrefixFreeEncoder already has a encode_block function to encode the symbols once we define a encode_symbol function
    for the particular compressor.

    def __init__(self, prob_dist: ProbabilityDist):
        self.prob_dist = prob_dist
        self.encoding_table = ShannonEncoder.generate_shannon_codebook(self.prob_dist)

    def generate_shannon_codebook(cls, prob_dist):
        # sort the probability distribution in decreasing probability and get cumulative probability which will be
        # used for encoding
        sorted_prob_dist = ProbabilityDist.get_sorted_prob_dist(
            prob_dist.prob_dict, descending=True
        cum_prob_dict = sorted_prob_dist.cumulative_prob_dict

        codebook = {}
        for s in sorted_prob_dist.prob_dict:
            # get the encode length for the symbol s
            encode_len = math.ceil(sorted_prob_dist.neg_log_probability(s))

            # get the code as a truncated floating point representation
            _, code = float_to_bitarrays(cum_prob_dict[s], encode_len)
            codebook[s] = code
        return codebook

    def encode_symbol(self, s):
        return self.encoding_table[s]

As evident, it encodes individual symbol by creating a codebook based on sorted probabilities. Look at the readme for this script or refer to class notes for details.

Next, let's look at the decoding part of the Shannon Coder. You will again notice that decode_block function is already implemented in the PrefixFreeCoder class: decode_block function just loops over the bitstream and utilizes efficient decoding of prefix-free codes to output individual symbol and the bits consumed during decoding (as explained above in DataDecoder class). Therefore, we only need to implement the decode_symbol function in the inherited ShannonDecoder part. Let's take a look at the decode_symbol function in the ShannonDecoder class:

class ShannonDecoder(PrefixFreeDecoder):
    PrefixFreeDecoder already has a decode_block function to decode the symbols once we define a decode_symbol function
    for the particular compressor.
    PrefixFreeTree provides decode_symbol given a PrefixFreeTree

    def __init__(self, prob_dist: ProbabilityDist):
        encoding_table = ShannonEncoder.generate_shannon_codebook(prob_dist)
        self.tree = PrefixFreeTree.build_prefix_free_tree_from_code(encoding_table)

    def decode_symbol(self, encoded_bitarray: BitArray) -> Tuple[Any, BitArray]:
        decoded_symbol, num_bits_consumed = self.tree.decode_symbol(encoded_bitarray)
        return decoded_symbol, num_bits_consumed

Here you see something interesting: we were able to use PrefixFreeTree class to implement the decode_symbol function. This is because the Shannon code is just a special case of a prefix-free code, and so we can use the PrefixFreeTree to first get the encoding tree used to encode the message given probability distribution and then use it to decode the message. Obviously in practice, we also need to communicate or be able to replicate the probability distribution used to encode the message at the decoder, but we will ignore that for now.

Again, please look at the corresponding files to get better understanding of the code.

3. The external_compressors library

This library includes implementation of external compressors so that they can be natively used within SCL, such as zstd and zlib. These might be beneficial to use in some cases, for example, if you want to compare the performance of a compressor with a state-of-the-art compressor, or use them in conjunction with a lossy compressor technique you implement in SCL. Please look at the folder with test cases for examples on how to use these.

4. The utils library

Finally, we cover utils library which has some useful functions for debugging, bitarray manipulation, testing etc. The naming should be evident, and you should visit them while working on problem sets or contributing to the SCL to get help from these helper functions. Feel free to contribute back if you think you have some useful functions to add to the library.

Some notable ones are:

4.1 bitarray_utils.uint_to_bitarray

This function converts an unsigned integer to a bitarray. For example, uint_to_bitarray(5, 4) will return BitArray('0b0101'). It is very useful in encoding lengths to help decode a bitstream.

4.2 bitarray_utils.bitarray_to_uint

This function implements reverse of previous method, i.e. it converts a bitarray to an unsigned integer. For example, bitarray_to_uint(BitArray('0b0101')) will return 5. As expected, it will be very useful in decoding lengths from a bitstream.

4.3 tree_utils.BinaryNode

This class implements a binary tree node. It is useful in implementing prefix-free trees, or trees in general. It also has some useful debugging functions such as print_tree which can be used to print the tree in a nice format.

4.4 test_utils.get_random_data_block

This function can be used to generate random data blocks with given probability distribution. It is useful for generating random test data during testing of compressors.

4.5 test_utils.try_lossless_compression

This function can be used to test if a compressor is lossless. It takes a compressor (encoder-decoder pair), and a data block as input, and checks if the compressor is able to losslessly compress the data block. It is useful for testing if a compressor is lossless.